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Clean Water project report | 2017

Published: November 22, 2017

Project Report

India and Uganda India and Uganda

Thank you for your generosity and dedication to provide clean water for families all over the world.

Your gift has transformed the lives of children by allowing them to spend time getting an education instead of fetching water. You’ve helped women avoid dangerous journeys to distant water sources and improved the health of entire communities. By giving clean water, you’ve given hope, health, and joy!

Clean water saves money — India

Kewat’s family lives in a small, impoverished village in India. It’s so remote that the government doesn’t even provide a water pipeline for the 1,000 people living there.

Before you stepped in to help, Kewat had to spend hours every day and a large portion of her income fetching water from a nearby well or purchasing it from a private tanker.

But your gift of a clean-water well in Kewat’s village changed every aspect of her life!

“My family is now able to get clean drinking water,” she said. “This will save us money, which is so important to feed my family. I will save time and energy and can use it for better purposes, like paying attention to my household and work.”

Because of your generosity, Kewat and her whole village now have access to clean water year-round. Thank you for your incredible gift!

The dangers of dirty water — Uganda

Jimmy is a leader of his Ugandan community, and he works hard to make sure the people in his village are cared for and safe. But there was one thing he couldn’t protect them from — the dangers of dirty water.

Every day, Jimmy watched the children of his village walk long distances with heavy water cans on their heads and return in pain. The journey was difficult and dangerous, and many girls were raped while making the trip at night.

Jimmy couldn’t protect his community from dirty water. But you could — and you did!

You helped provide a well so people in Jimmy’s village would have clean water right outside their homes. Thanks to you, these children don’t walk long distances with heavy water cans anymore, and the girls are safe at home at night.

Thank you for giving this village exactly what they needed. Your gift is improving health and helping Jimmy keep the people in his community even safer.

Give another person hope through clean water

Your impact doesn’t have to stop here. For $15, you can provide water for another person like Jimmy or Kewat. You can continue to bring hope around the world.

Give clean water today at!

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