Global Impact project report
You gave help and hope for the young and the old Thank you for . . .
Thank you for helping meet the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world. You understand that you can’t provide hope for tomorrow unless you first provide help for today. And by meeting the essentials that families needed to survive, you also opened the door for them to hear the Gospel.
Through your generosity, you have been the hands and feet of Jesus in some of the world’s most impoverished places. You have made an eternal impact by rescuing people in need.
Anna didn’t have anyone to take care of her in her old age. She and her husband had no children, and now, in their 80s, they had to fend for themselves. Too weak to work or grow their own food, Anna and her husband had nothing.
Without help, this elderly couple wouldn’t have survived much longer. But that’s when you stepped in and provided vital food just in time.
Anna and her husband are so thankful for the food you helped provide them and other members of their community. Without your generosity, they may not have survived. Now, they don’t worry every day whether or not they will be able to eat.
The rice you and other generous donors helped give to their community in Zambia fed many starving families — including Anna’s. Now, Anna and her husband don’t have to worry about whether they will be able to eat each day.
“I like the rice,” Anna said, “because it’s easy to cook and gives me strength for the day.”
You didn’t just help give food when you donated so generously. You also helped save lives and gave an elderly woman peace of mind knowing she and her husband were going to be cared for, even with no family to care for them.
With your compassionate giving, you’ve helped people of all ages — from infants to 80 and beyond — survive and thrive.
Over the past several years, the Cuban church has exploded with new believers. More and more people are coming to Christ, and that’s in part because of your support, which helps Cuban church planters expand their ministries all across the country.
One Cuban church planter, whom we’ll call Miguel for security reasons, has been working to raise up the next generation of Christians through a sports ministry.
Because of your financial support, church planters in some of the world’s spiritually darkest places are able to share the Gospel with people who have never heard. Some are using innovative methods like sports ministry to reach young people.
The young people of Cuba love playing sports — especially soccer. So, Miguel reaches out to them by organizing pickup games in the community. After the game is over, the children have the opportunity to learn about Jesus and even take home their own Bible and study materials.
And not only have many children and teenagers decided to become Christ-followers, but many of their parents have, as well.
Your generosity equipped Miguel and other church planters around the world with what they need to reach people in countries like Cuba, India, and China. You also helped provide Bibles for these pastors to distribute. Your giving meant they can spread the Good News to people who have never heard.
Thanks, again, for your gift. Because of you, people around the world now have the vital aid and the spiritual transformation they desperately needed.