Sweating Bullets project report
Thank you for your contribution at the 2018 Sweating Bullets Sporting Clay Shoot to help improve the lives of children living at Gilgal Children’s Home in India. Because of your generosity and compassion, much-needed repairs and improvements were made to the school.
Your gifts helped provide an emergency medical transport vehicle, a footpath to keep the children safe during the rainy season, and updates like new paint and tiling for the dorms. These are the things that make Gilgal feel like a home … a welcoming place for children to come and pursue a future. You have made an incredible impact for hundreds of boys and girls.
A little pavement goes a long way to improving children’s lives at Gilgal Children’s Home in India. In addition to a new footpath to classrooms, the children are enjoying updates made to their dorms.
For Alvina, the chance to go to school was an answer to prayer. But for a long time, muddy and dangerous paths made it difficult to get to class.
“All the students and teachers have had a very hard time getting to school,” Alvina said. “The way to school was extremely muddy during the rainy season, and we had to be very careful not to fall.”
Students often had to remove their shoes and socks to keep them clean and dry. But now, thanks to you, Gilgal Children’s Home has a safe path to the students’ classrooms.
“I am thankful to God for providing me with a good school, and I am especially thankful for the new pavement,” Alvina said. “By God’s grace, we are able to walk to school clean and happy.”
Gilgal is a safe haven for children from some of India’s poorest communities. But when the kids became sick or injured, the school’s staff struggled to provide treatment. The nearest medical clinics and hospitals are far away, and Gilgal had no vehicle to transport the children quickly.
But your generosity provided Gilgal with a new medical transport vehicle. They now have the ability to rush sick boys and girls to the hospital in a time of crisis. By helping to meet this need, you potentially saved lives.
Although Gilgal offers a safe environment for children to live in, the one thing it couldn’t provide was a way to quickly get a sick or injured child to the hospital. Now, thanks to generous and compassionate donors, the school has a medical transport vehicle.
What a great joy for me and the children to have a beautiful and very high-standard medical vehicle,” the director of the children’s home said. “We cannot express our thanks with words, but we want you to know that our hearts are full of joy and excitement.” -Children’s home director
Thank you for helping meet the needs of the children living at Gilgal Children’s Home.
Because of you, they are more confident than ever that they are safe, cared for, and loved. You have truly done something that will outlive you and last for eternity.