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India children’s center program update

Children's Program Update

Published: May 9, 2019

Children's Program Update


Thank you for sponsoring a child in India. Your ongoing support has changed a life forever.

We want to let you know what your sponsored child and other kids in the program have been up to this year … all because of your compassionate giving.

Education is key

In addition to providing essentials like nutritious food and medical care, one of the things your sponsorship provides is critical educational tutoring. The children receive help with their homework as well as lessons in math and English. One of the ways they learn English is by listening to stories, which each have a positive moral. Many parents have mentioned they have noticed a significant improvement in their children’s academics and that their kids are now more excited than ever to attend school.

Cultivating artistic talents

Your sponsorship also provides opportunities for your sponsored child to explore potential creative talents. All of the children in the program get to attend art classes at the center, where they can express themselves through drawing and coloring. Many of the kids come from very difficult backgrounds, but the program staff says they are always full of joy whenever they are making art. The children especially enjoy art competitions and get excited about winning prizes for what they have created.

 Building personal relationships

The teachers and mentors who work with your sponsored child understand that it’s not just the body and mind that need to be healthy. A child needs to be healthy emotionally, too. As the kids become more comfortable with the staff, they are able to open up about some of their personal and family struggles and receive counseling. Knowing that they have a place where they can go and receive help with their problems shows them that they are precious individuals who are loved and valued.

Thank you

Your gift of sponsorship has been life changing!

Every month, your gift boosts the health and happiness of your sponsored child. And, for that, we cannot thank you enough! You can give an additional gift today to provide extra help for your sponsored child and other kids in the program.

Thank you for investing in your sponsored child’s life!

Additional Reading

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