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Women’s Initiatives project report | 2016

Published: December 1, 2016

Project Update

Ethiopia, Thailand

In addition to the daily challenges of poverty, many women in developing countries also face gender inequality. They are exploited, given fewer educational and career opportunities, and provided with inadequate health care.

But thanks to you, one more woman now has the medical help she needs … one more woman has the training she requires to provide for her family … and one more woman has the opportunity to hear about how much she is valued by Jesus Christ.


Although rarely heard of in Western countries, obstetric fistulas are very familiar to women in Ethiopia. Without basic maternal care, an expectant mother can endure days of difficult labor, which often causes this painful and embarrassing condition; she is left incontinent for the rest of her life.

A young woman named Gojjam considered her fistula a fate worse than death — until your investment completely changed her life. During her second pregnancy, Gojjam suffered a double fistula. To make matters worse, she ended up losing her baby, her husband divorced her, and her neighbors rejected her as unclean and cursed. She became hopeless and suicidal. But today, she has hope.

Thankfully, Gojjam learned of the ministry that you make possible through your faithful support. She became a Safe Motherhood Ambassador so she can educate other women about how to prevent and treat fistulas.


Our partner explained why the testimony of Gojjam and others like her is so important:

When health workers educate the community about fistulas, they talk about the science and theory. However, the Safe Motherhood Ambassadors speak from their real-life experiences. They have stories to tell about fistulas and teach about the harmful effects of early marriage and home delivery. The community believes them since they speak from their experiences.

Thank you for giving a woman, just like Gojjam, a chance to reclaim her dignity and live a healthy life.


Every day, women in Thailand are exploited into thinking the sex industry is their only way to provide for themselves and their families … but your kindness is giving them options for a better life.

Nin* is one of these women.

Nin grew up in a poverty-stricken, rural community. She married very young, hoping the marriage would provide financial security. Instead, it brought abuse and heartbreak.

At 17 years old, Nin fled to Pattaya, then Bangkok, to get away from her abusive husband. To survive, she began working at a bar. She dreaded going to work each night, knowing this was not the life she wanted.

Her chance to escape came when two women entered the bar and offered to teach her English. They asked if Nin would like to live at the recovery home where they worked. Nin literally packed her things that night!

She now lives in a safe, family-style environment where she is reminded every day how much she is loved by God. She has even earned her bachelor’s degree and is preparing for a fulfilling, dignified career.


“Life is totally different,” she said. “If I was still there, I’d have no hope and no future.”

You did that. You gave Nin back her joy. Your gifts are allowing women to experience the healing touch of God and to have a second chance at life.

*Name changed for security


Without your support, women like Gojjam and Nin would still be living without hope. Your commitment and compassion transformed lives and have made an eternal impact.

Thank you for choosing to stand up for those who are too often ignored. Thank you for changing the world — one woman at a time.

Click here to free women from the sex industry, or click here to help mothers in Ethiopia. 

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