Project Update
Guatemala and India Guatemala and India
Thank you for making 2015 a year of unbelievable impact! Through your faithful partnership and generosity, we have seen incredible work accomplished around the world. Life-saving aid was distributed in countries like Iraq, Guatemala, and Nepal. Clean-water wells were established in numerous communities, hundreds of new churches were planted in villages that had never before heard the Gospel, and multitudes of lives were saved through our investment in projects worldwide.
These lives were transformed as a direct result of your involvement and your faithfulness to give to those in need. We couldn’t do this without you—thank you!
Your gifts to our World Help General Fund encompasses multiple projects that are restoring hope and changing lives. We’ve seen more than 3 million people impacted so far this year, and we are excited to share with you how you intervened to provide help and hope.
Odilia is 68 years old, residing in Guatemala. She struggled daily to earn enough money to provide basic resources such as food and clothing for her children. Though her husband searched daily for ways to bring in more income for the family, he would frequently come home empty-handed. But with your giving, we were able to provide nutritious meals to Odilia and her family through one of our feeding centers in Guatemala.
Odilia had tears of joy streaming down her face as she received food for her family and expressed her sincerest gratitude for the help she was given. “God sent his angels to the very forgotten people,” said Odilia.
Not only are you providing for the physical needs of multitudes of people around the world, you are also reaching their spiritual needs and providing eternal hope to people through the message of the Gospel. One of our church planters in India recently shared how they’ve seen lives forever changed, especially for one young girl whose life was saved through the power of the Gospel.
Asha is a young girl living in India. Experiencing great tragedy at a young age when both of her parents were killed, she then became responsible for her siblings to ensure they were cared for and had all their needs met. It was such a burden on top of dealing with the grief of her parents dying, she began to lose all hope. She no longer wanted to live and contemplated suicide on multiple occasions.
But God intervened and the power of the Gospel transformed Asha’s life forever.
She heard that some church planters were speaking down the road at one of their village churches. She went and the pastors had the opportunity to share the Gospel with her that very day! Asha responded by accepting Christ into her life. She is now experiencing eternal hope and has already taken her next step of faith through baptism. Today, she is living a happy, hopeful life and even began bringing her sisters to church while praying for their salvation.
Asha and Odilia are just two of the lives transformed through your investment. We look forward to seeing how many more we can impact as we close out 2015. Thank you for continuing to invest in ministries that will outlive you and last for eternity.
- Simple Gifts, Eternal Impact Every day, our network of church planters wind their way along mountainside paths, cross swollen rivers, and brave territories hostile to Christians in order to carry the good news of God’s love to them—and they are listening.
- Signs of Winter Send Dread through Refugee Camps For millions displaced throughout the Middle East, the first signs of winter feel like a death sentence. Their makeshift encampments are no match for the frigid, damp air that seeps in through the cracks of their dwellings and settles in their bones.
- Why Sponsor: A Far-Reaching Impact Sponsorship is a holistic approach to investing in a child’s life while also impacting an entire family and community. One life impacted translates into life-changing opportunities and promising futures that have the potential to impact many more.