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Bibles4 min read


Standing strong: A Bible is the ultimate foundation for a persecuted believer

Sam Campbell
Oct 20, 2020

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world. It stands at more than 2,700 feet — over nine football fields! — and resembles a jagged needle piercing the sky.

You can imagine how much planning went into creating this tower of steel, concrete, and glass. It has to have a rock-solid foundation. Otherwise the entire thing will fall.

Persecuted believers also need a firm foundation. They need a Bible to help their faith remain strong as they endure torture and imprisonment. Unfortunately, many of them don’t have access to God’s Word.

For $10, you can place a Bible in the hands of a persecuted believer for the very first time. Your gift will provide the foundation needed to withstand the hardest days.

Pastor Jun knows how rare it is to find Bibles in areas like his. He lives in a remote village in China, so we’ve changed his name because of the intense persecution there.

“We’re in a relatively isolated area where outsiders rarely venture, and the people whom I serve live a simple and hard life off the land,” Pastor Jun said. “Everyone travels on foot or by bicycle.”

Pastor Jun’s community is surrounded by mountains and filled with winding dirt roads. It’s too dangerous for cars to pass through. Plus, most of the families can’t afford them.

The nearest store is hours away. And even if someone made the long journey, they wouldn’t find a Bible anywhere in town. Christians can’t simply purchase God’s Word in places like China, North Korea, and Iran.

“For us, Bibles are really difficult to come by,” Pastor Jun said.

Desperate believers have tried searching online … but it’s no use. The Chinese government has banned God’s Word from being sold there, too. And in order to further crush Christianity, the authorities have started printing their own edited version of the Bible.

This breaks Pastor Jun’s heart because he knows how critical it is for people to have their own Bible. Especially in rural areas like his. Not everyone can walk for miles to attend a worship service at his home. Not everyone is physically able to attend a Bible study.

In some persecuted countries, believers scribble Bible verses onto scraps of paper or fabric while they’re attending an underground church service. Pastors don’t have extra Bibles to hand out, so believers have to quickly jot down portions of Scripture before they make the long trek back home.

But that’s not a strong foundation. Those bits of paper get lost or crinkled or water-stained after years of use.

Persecuted Christians need to grow in their faith. They need to be comforted whenever they’re facing the threat of abuse, prison, or even death — and that can only come from God’s Word.

“If each family and believer could have their own copy of the Bible, they can study Scripture any time to build a firm foundation for their faith with the Holy Spirit as their guide,” Pastor Jun said.

Will you provide a believer or seeker with a strong foundation today? Your $10 gift will send a Bible to someone who is facing intense persecution in places like China, Nigeria, North Korea, and Iran.

And because Bibles are often shared among family and friends, your gift will reach many people with the Gospel!

Persecuted believers are constantly threatened and abused for their faith. But YOU can help them stand firm with the power of God’s Word. You can also pray for them Nov. 1, during the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

Please give today to help these brothers and sisters in Christ. They need you now more than ever.

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