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Help someone in need … no roof disassembly required

Help someone in need … no roof disassembly required

My family and I took a vacation to Hawaii several summers ago. While I expected the lush scenery and crystal-clear waters, the large homeless community threw me for a loop. On a tropical island full of tourists, no one really paid them any attention. There were too...
Life during quarantine for the Children of the World

Life during quarantine for the Children of the World

When the coronavirus outbreak happened, the Children of the World choir had to stop touring. So, what have the kids been up to? Well, they’re certainly staying busy that’s for sure. Where are they? When lockdown procedures went into effect, the choir was on the West...
Cuban pastors get creative to share the Gospel during pandemic

Cuban pastors get creative to share the Gospel during pandemic

Two hours. That’s how long one man in Cuba reported having to stand in line at the store to buy food. And he didn’t come away with a full cart of groceries. He came away with a single package of chicken thighs. Other than sickness, food shortages are among the worst...
Rwandan Christians are praying for YOU

Rwandan Christians are praying for YOU

Have you ever noticed that Christians in the most challenging of circumstances often have the strongest faith? Recently, I received a letter from our dear friend and partner in Rwanda explaining how the coronavirus pandemic has affected his nation. I knew the...
When will things go back to normal?

When will things go back to normal?

These days, we’re trying to keep our distance from people. And it feels a lot like how I imagine people treated lepers in the Bible. These people were shunned and made outcasts because of their medical condition. Diseases and illnesses break down bodies, but they also...
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