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3 ways to deepen your relationship with your sponsored child

3 ways to deepen your relationship with your sponsored child

Whether it’s around the world or around the corner multiculturalism is thriving. And while being exposed to other cultures broadens our worldview, it also can be intimidating if you don’t know exactly what’s acceptable and what’s not. For instance, in some Middle...
A better New Year’s resolution

A better New Year’s resolution

It’s that time again — time to set goals for the year ahead and to look back at 2016’s goals to see if you accomplished them. You’ll probably make a lot of resolutions this year that you’ve made before. Maybe you’ll resolve to lose weight, learn a new skill, or start...
Two babies born on Christmas Day

Two babies born on Christmas Day

On Christmas Day, Christians around the world look back in celebration of Christ’s birth and His gift of salvation. But during Advent — the four weeks leading up to Christmas — Christians look ahead in expectation of Christ’s second coming. Advent season is a time of...

Set Free | Rescue Programs

The word rescue has several definitions: “to free from confinement, danger, or evil” “to save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation” “to keep from being lost or abandoned; to retrieve” I’d like to add my own simplified definition to the list—to rescue...

Sponsors We Love: Keri’s Hope for Star School

This Valentine’s Day, we are captivated by the idea that love must believe before love can step into action. In other words, before we can make a lasting difference in the world, we must have a love that believes positive change and hope is possible—and our child...
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