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Reflections on Sponsorship from Uganda

Child advocacy and sponsorship is something I’m truly passionate about and believe it makes a life-changing difference. I was in Uganda recently, and God spoke to me the most through the hope and joy I saw in so many faces at our children’s programs at Good Samaritan...

Why Sponsor? 5 Compelling Reasons

Sponsorship is one of the most crucial areas of our work around the world . . . and it’s also one of the most inspiring. Why? Because the model of sponsorship initiates transformation in a way that not only changes a child’s life, but offers the hope of change for...

Child Sponsorship | Love on the Map

Sponsors are heroes! Ask any child in the World Help Child Sponsorship Program and they will tell you with a beaming smile. Without a doubt, a sponsor’s investment goes far beyond $35 a month. Sponsorship provides impoverished and disadvantaged children with the...

Impacting Children in Haiti: Five Years Later

More than 230,000 lives were taken, 300,000 injured, and 1.5 million people were displaced by the catastrophic 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010 . . . five years ago. This nation still feels the effects of this tragic disaster, as an estimated...

A New Year Resolution: Invest in Children in 2015

We received our anticipated envelope from World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program  . . . I knew exactly what it was when I pulled it from our mailbox. It was an envelope filled with our annual updates, letters, and drawings from our two sponsored children. It is...
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