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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

The moment that changed Carlos’ life

The moment that changed Carlos’ life

Can you pinpoint a moment when your life was changed forever? For some, that moment was receiving advice at just the right time. Others can point back to a tragedy that radically altered their lives. Some people’s lives changed when they had to make an impossible...
Why sponsor? Just ask Mayda!

Why sponsor? Just ask Mayda!

Mayda Tress touches the lives of hurting people every day through her work as a registered nurse. But on a trip to Guatemala, God moved her heart to help hurting people in a new way — a way that would change her life forever: I believe in a practical Gospel. I believe...
Spread the Gospel in India through VBS

Spread the Gospel in India through VBS

I want to share a special, urgent need with you. For impoverished children living in India, an incredible event is only weeks away — Vacation Bible School (VBS). But their families can’t afford it. For just $5, you can send one child to a three-day VBS program and...

You Can Bring the Gospel to the Displaced Children of Syria

At this very moment, traumatized Syrian children are attempting to resettle in refugee camps after fleeing their war-torn homeland. To make matters worse, winter storms and frigid temperatures are just weeks away from plunging the region into hopelessness and despair....

Clean Water Gives Children a Chance to Succeed

Sajina sat nervously as her teacher walked around the classroom collecting homework. When it was her turn to pass in the assignment, she hung her head and admitted she didn’t have it . . . again. For years, Sajina had missed assignments and been absent from school...
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