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You Can Bring the Gospel to the Displaced Children of Syria

At this very moment, traumatized Syrian children are attempting to resettle in refugee camps after fleeing their war-torn homeland. To make matters worse, winter storms and frigid temperatures are just weeks away from plunging the region into hopelessness and despair....

Clean Water Gives Children a Chance to Succeed

Sajina sat nervously as her teacher walked around the classroom collecting homework. When it was her turn to pass in the assignment, she hung her head and admitted she didn’t have it . . . again. For years, Sajina had missed assignments and been absent from school...

What Difference Does our Medical Emergency Fund Really Make?

What happens when your child has a serious medical emergency, but you live in a developing country and can’t afford treatment? All too often, poverty turns easily treatable conditions into death sentences. Parents are forced to watch as their children suffer without...

Sponsors We Love: Karin & Stanley’s Story

When Children of the World International Children’s Choir first came to her church, Karin knew she had to get involved with child sponsorship. “I have been working with children for many years . . . and that placed this incredible love for children on my heart,” Karin...

From the Field | Solutions for a Lost Generation

Watch From the Field: Iraq | Hope for Refugee Children Through Education on Vimeo. I’m with the World Help team in Northern Iraq, and we’ve just spent the day with the future leaders of this nation—kindergarteners. This World Help sponsored school of more than 150...
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