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Not All of Us Can Do Great Things

Jennifer Hennis lives in Florida with her husband Joe and daughter Kendall. They have a heart for sharing Jesus with the nations. She blogs for World Help at This Grace Life. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”  Mother...

Disaster Relief for Nepal Earthquake Victims

By now you’ve likely heard of the massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake that ripped through Nepal at noon local time, sending shockwaves as far as northern and eastern India. In a span of minutes, entire portions of Kathmandu were reduced to crumbles, crushing hundreds and...

Child Sponsorship | Love on the Map

Sponsors are heroes! Ask any child in the World Help Child Sponsorship Program and they will tell you with a beaming smile. Without a doubt, a sponsor’s investment goes far beyond $35 a month. Sponsorship provides impoverished and disadvantaged children with the...

Children Hold Incredible Value

Have you ever really contemplated the significance of a child? How about the significance of each life that is given . . . each boy and girl that is born in countries all around the world? Today’s children will be the future messengers to the next generation. They are...

Defeat Malaria, Create a Better Future

For the thousands of children around the world, malaria is a very real enemy. Malaria keeps students out of the classroom, cripples health, and in far too many tragic cases, causes death. Every 60 seconds, a child dies of malaria. Although malaria is entirely...
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