‘It’s not the virus that’s killing people.’
When the missiles and bombs began to rain down on Saba’s Syrian town, she and her family knew it was time to get out. Saba is one of thousands of refugees who barely escaped with their lives, so we’ve changed her name for protection. Unfortunately, her brother didn’t...
Could Brazil pass the U.S. in number of coronavirus cases?
Brazil’s number of coronavirus cases continues to soar, causing some experts to speculate it could potentially surpass the United States as the worst hotspot for the virus. More than 70,800 new cases were confirmed in a single day on July 29, making it the worst...
How has the coronavirus affected children around the world?
Kids aren’t the biggest fans of being stuck inside with nothing to do. They want to run and play. They want to go to school and see their friends. So, as hard as social distancing has been for us as adults, it’s been even harder for boys and girls. Just ask any parent...