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How has the coronavirus affected children around the world?

How has the coronavirus affected children around the world?

Kids aren’t the biggest fans of being stuck inside with nothing to do. They want to run and play. They want to go to school and see their friends. So, as hard as social distancing has been for us as adults, it’s been even harder for boys and girls. Just ask any parent...
6 ways to explain the global water crisis to your kids

6 ways to explain the global water crisis to your kids

I’ll admit it: I take super long showers. Just ask my family. Every summer we rent a house together on the beach, and in the evenings, we sometimes go out. People are ironing their clothes, fixing their hair, spraying cologne … and then there’s me. Still in the...
Summer Service Saturdays: Social Distancing Edition

Summer Service Saturdays: Social Distancing Edition

Last year, we offered up some ideas for how to get your kids involved in serving others in a fun and thoughtful way — especially during those lazy summer days. But we realize this summer is going to look a lot different because of the coronavirus. Most summer camps...
The coronavirus killed Gladys’ husband. Now what?

The coronavirus killed Gladys’ husband. Now what?

The coronavirus already took her husband. Now, Gladys is left wondering how the rest of her family will survive. Gladys became a widow just a few weeks ago when the virus that is sweeping the globe arrived in Nicaragua and took her husband’s life. He had been the...
Dirty water is a family matter

Dirty water is a family matter

“Water is life.” It’s a phrase we’ve heard countless times from people who finally received access to clean water. They know clean water’s power because they’ve had to suffer the effects of using contaminated water. Drinking, bathing, and cooking with dirty water...
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