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My Weakest Moment — Part 4

My Weakest Moment — Part 4

Last week when I shared an excerpt from my book Why? Answers to Weather the Storms of Life, I told you that my experience with cancer was more than a physical battle. It was an intense emotional fight against depression and despair.The same can be said of nearly every...
A refugee needs your help to survive the winter

A refugee needs your help to survive the winter

Freezing to death is probably not something you’ve ever had to worry about. But it’s a very real threat for refugees living in northern Iraq and Syria.Refugee families are counting down the days until the temperature drops and the freezing winds blow. They aren’t...
The homework assignment Eun wishes she’d never done

The homework assignment Eun wishes she’d never done

People often ask me, “Why do you send Bibles to North Korea when they could get people arrested or even killed?”The answer is simple: We send them because our persecuted brothers and sisters continue to ask for them!They know the risks, but they also know growing...
How will you pray today?

How will you pray today?

You’ve heard the stories about Chinese believers forced to pray in secret and North Korean Christians who have to hide their Bibles for fear of being arrested. But it can be hard to know exactly how to pray for believers who are constantly in danger for their faith....
Chinese Christians face increasing wave of persecution

Chinese Christians face increasing wave of persecution

The underground church in China is facing the worst persecution it has seen in years. In one Chinese province alone, local authorities recently destroyed more than 7,000 crosses, burned Bibles, and arrested Christians. Vernon Brewer, World Help founder and CEO,...
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