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Don’t forget about your earthly purpose: A video devotional

Don’t forget about your earthly purpose: A video devotional

The Bible makes it clear that this world is not our permanent home. As believers, we understand that we’re just passing through and that our true home is in heaven with God. It can be tempting to focus solely on that heavenly future, especially when the world around...
How to pray the Scriptures for Christians in North Korea

How to pray the Scriptures for Christians in North Korea

It’s challenging to find the words to pray our hardest prayers, isn’t it? How do you ask God for comfort when a young person dies long before their time? How do you pray for a situation where there doesn’t seem to be a good or healthy outcome? That’s when you can lean...
Your last-minute checklist for International Day of Prayer

Your last-minute checklist for International Day of Prayer

The Bible tells us in Hebrews to “come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (KJV). Right now, our Christian brothers and sisters around the world need us. Believers like Meera still have the scars from...
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