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Ankawa Refugee Camp: A Picture of Human Misery

My heart was broken today as I stepped inside Ankawa Refugee Camp. This is home to over 3,000 Iraqi refugees who have escaped from the slaughter of ISIS. What I saw took my breath away. Please take a moment right now, right where you are, to watch this brief video:...

Is This the End of Christianity in Iraq?

Today, we visited a remote village near the ISIS stronghold of Mosul in Northern Iraq. Nearly 800 Christian refugees occupy a small cluster of abandoned buildings left by residents who have already fled the violence. Ever since ISIS began its bloody conquest for...

A Harrowing Glimpse Inside Erbil’s Tent Villages

Early this morning, our team flew from Amman to Erbil, Iraq, where our partners are working around the clock to distribute aid to persecuted believers who have fled ISIS violence. There are an estimated 200,000 refugees in this area alone struggling each day to...

ISIS Rages Out of Control in Middle East

The situation in the Middle East grows more volatile by the day. An estimated 1 million people are now displaced within Iraq, running for their lives from the Islamic State (IS), formerly ISIS. This terrorist group is growing at an alarming rate, seeking to...

Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Every year, more than 100,000 Christians are killed for reasons related to their faith. Broken down, that means approximately 11 believers are killed every hour for following Christ. According to the International Society for Human rights, “Eighty percent of all acts...
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