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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

From the Field | Cuba’s Only Hope

“If I could describe Cuba in one word, it would be hungry,” said Tony Foglio, World Help’s advisory board chairman. “Cubans are hungry for the Word of God . . . they are hungry to share the Gospel of Christ through the planting of churches, and they are hungry for the...

3 Million Lives Impacted in 2015

One of the greatest privileges we have as an organization is to share how your partnership is making an impact worldwide. So here it is. The God-sized tasks we prayed for together in 2015 have come to fruition. World Help supporters and advocates partnered with us to...

Life After Children of the World: Pascal’s Story

If you really want to change the world, you have to empower the next generation of young people to carry the torch. That’s exactly what we strive to do in each of our World Help Child Sponsorship Programs and with each member of our Children of the World International...

2015: A Year of Opportunity

Happy New Year! We just want to take a moment to say what we can never say enough: Thank you! Thank you for standing with us, praying for us, advocating with us, and investing your hard-earned dollars to impact those in need. Thank you for making 2014 a year that...

Equipping Church Planters During Crisis

Today was our team’s last day on the ground in the Middle East. It has been a truly incredible trip—one that God has used to bring help and hope to hundreds of people. I highly encourage you to read our reports from the field this past week. I am certain you will be...
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