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A Child’s View of the Syrian Crisis

Crouching behind a crumbling stone structure, 11-year-old Yusef peered out into the dusty debris-ridden street. He tiptoed wearily around piles of rubble and broken glass, and around the stiff bodies of men, women, and children sprawled in the streets. It was nearing...

Humanitarian Emergency Escalates in Philippines

Typhoon Haiyan (also called “Yolanda”) was the most powerful cyclone to hit the Philippines in over three decades. It has been said by many that it’s “the most devastating storm to make landfall in history.” The super cyclone shocked the impoverished nation of 96...

Typhoon Haiyan | Crisis in the Philippines

As you read this, Typhoon Haiyan, the largest tropical cyclone recorded on earth in 2013, is making landfall in the central Philippines. Winds have been clocked up to 235 mph—the most powerful storm to make landfall in history—and an estimated 10 million people are in...

The Syria You Don’t Know

The world is beginning to turn its back on the Syrian people. Reports on the news only paint a partial picture of what is really happening, emphasizing the complex pieces of the political puzzle instead of the thousands of innocent people who are being slaughtered in...
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