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The Power of Giving: How Small Gifts Can Make A HUGE Impact!

The Power of Giving: How Small Gifts Can Make A HUGE Impact!

  In the news, we sometimes see stories of actors, singers, and entrepreneurs donating millions of dollars to a nonprofit of their choosing. While these gifts are incredible, it can leave you wondering — does my small gift really make a difference? The answer is...
Does Your Gift Make a Difference?

Does Your Gift Make a Difference?

  When you give to help someone in need, do you ever wonder where your gift goes or if it really makes a difference? I’m here to tell you that your gift does have an impact. It transforms lives more than you or I could ever imagine — because when you give, you...
Why People Around the World Might Not Get the Help They Need

Why People Around the World Might Not Get the Help They Need

  “If this help stops, many people will be in a very bad condition.” – Misha, Displaced Ukrainian Read that again. Those are the words of Misha, a displaced Ukrainian our World Help team met on their recent trip to Ukraine. After two years of fighting, Misha...
You could turn $30 into $120 for FREE — click here to learn how!

You could turn $30 into $120 for FREE — click here to learn how!

  Health insurance, time off, employee discounts, and a retirement plan … these are all benefits we’ve come to expect from our jobs. But did you know that some employers offer to match their employees’ charitable contributions? If you haven’t already heard, we...
Should I care about fiscal year end? The short answer — yes!

Should I care about fiscal year end? The short answer — yes!

  What on earth is a fiscal year end? Why isn’t it on Dec. 31? And why should I care? Those are all great — and valid — questions! As World Help enters our fiscal year end, we wanted to take some time to clarify some common misconceptions. Here are the answers to...
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