Months after hurricanes, many still lack food and clean water
The hurricanes are long gone … but the needs have not gone away. Even months after Hurricanes Eta and Iota decimated parts of Central America, many families are still struggling without basic necessities. “Nicaragua is in the midst of a recession, and there are...
‘Please help me if you can’
“My house is burned with all my belongings in it,” Anika said with tears in her eyes. “I have nothing.” Anika is from the Tigray region of Ethiopia, a land that has become the battleground for a civil war between Tigray rulers and the Ethiopian government. The...
Which countries face the greatest famines in 2021?
The coronavirus pandemic has devastated the health of people all around the world. But it’s not just the virus that is killing people … it’s also a lack of food. With new variants of COVID-19 popping up around the globe, many countries have gone back under strict...