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Can Child Sponsorship Further the Gospel?

Every time Clark Smith sits down at his desk to work, he sees a photo of a little girl staring back at him with glowing, brown eyes. Her name is Josefa. She loves basketball, coloring, and anything that’s pink. One day, she dreams of becoming a teacher. And even...

How You Can Change Lives Through Shipping and Handling

I’ll shamelessly admit it—I love shopping online. From cleaning supplies to birthday gifts, I prefer online orders to shopping in the store. Beyond the ease and convenience of online shopping, there’s just something exciting about waiting for a package to arrive,...

Watching God Work | Lita’s Sponsorship Journey

When Lita Hannes decided to sponsor a child, she knew that in addition to changing the life of someone in need, she would be changed as well . . . but she had no idea how much. Lita’s sponsorship journey began in January 2014 when she went on a trip to Las Palmares,...

Set Free | Rescue Programs

The word rescue has several definitions: “to free from confinement, danger, or evil” “to save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation” “to keep from being lost or abandoned; to retrieve” I’d like to add my own simplified definition to the list—to rescue...

How Can Your Passions Impact Others?

It’s easy to get lost in trying to figure out how God may want to use you to impact others. Maybe you wanted to get involved in an initiative or campaign, but you didn’t think your talents and passions could help you transform lives. But each of our passions and...
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