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From the Field: When the Odds Are Against Us

Our team has stayed extremely busy these past few days in Guatemala. This week alone, 15 children were rescued from surrounding mountain villages on the border of Honduras, all the way up to the Belizean border in the northeast. Several were clinging to life,...

From the Field: Our Neighbors Are Hurting

For me, stepping off the plane in Guatemala is almost like coming home. I travel here several times a year because of the sheer number of programs we facilitate through our partnership with Carlos Vargas and Hope of Life. God is moving in Guatemala in miraculous ways....

Deeper at Work

Can clean water be incorporated into the vision of a for-profit business? We think so. In fact, through our partnerships with local and nationwide businesses, causelife’s reach has grown exponentially over the past few years, paving the way for water projects to be...

Child Sponsorship | Part of the Family

Flipping through the pages of the black photo album with colorful pages full of pictures, there was one in particular that stood out. In the midst of numerous family photos from tropical vacations was one of a sweet young boy with a half-smile and big brown eyes. It...

Child Sponsorship: The Value of One Life Changed

I truly believe that if we want to change our world and really make a difference, there is no better place to start than in the life of a child.” – Awake by Noel Brewer Yeatts I remember walking down the village streets in Africa and seeing children sitting in the...
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