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Why I Decided to Sponsor a Child

Multiple pictures of a 4-year-old little girl with her red school uniform on and bows in her hair are proudly displayed throughout our home. Pictures of a 9-year-old boy with a big grin on his face and an earring in his left ear are hanging right next to hers....

Christla’s Redemption | A Rescue Story

Elydia had just given birth to a beautiful little girl . . . but she could hardly bring herself to look at her. Losing her son only a few days prior had brought on a sudden, unbearable heaviness she feared would suffocate her completely. Elydia had done everything she...

A Safe Place

Watch Dieunie-Love’s Story – Haiti Spring ’13 on Vimeo Beautiful 4-year-old Dieunie-Love (pronounced “Jenny-Love”) greeted me with a shy smile as she leaned up against her makeshift home in the crowded, dusty village of Oanaminthe, Haiti. We stepped...

A Time to Cry … A Time to Act

In the days following the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the world wondered if this country could ever rebuild from such a devastating disaster. Would there ever be hope for Haiti again? Who can forget those horrifying images the news channels brought into our...

On the Field: New Hope for Thousands of Haitians

Today, I’m on my way with a World Help team to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere . . . Haiti. In January 2010, a devastating 7.0 earthquake shook the tiny island nation to the core. Port-au-Prince was reduced to a pile of smoking rubble, and...
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