Will you help send Mrs. Aarti’s kids to VBS this summer?
As summer gets closer, you’ll probably start seeing signs and banners popping up outside of churches in your community — “Vacation Bible School is coming!” Children in America have a variety of VBS programs to choose from. Many attend multiple Vacation Bible Schools...
7 topics you can write about to your sponsored child
Did you know that when you sponsored a child you got a pen pal, too? Your sponsored child loves to receive letters from you and to hear about your life. Letters from you are an encouragement and a reminder that you care. Any letters you write your sponsored child...
What is famine?
In the heart of Zimbabwe, a family is suffering a slow death. Their house is quiet. The children who would normally be laughing and playing rambunctiously can barely move their sore, stiff joints. The family’s skin is dry, cracked, and covered in sores. The mother’s...