Free resources for International Day of Prayer
A young man makes his way down the street during the wee hours of the morning. He glances around cautiously before entering the apartment. Inside, his eyes adjust to the darkness, and he sees his friends — kneeling on the ground, hands clasped in prayer. For the next...
Preaching in the face of persecution
He’d heard the Gospel all his life while growing up in a Christian home in China. His family even hosted services and church activities at their house. But it wasn’t until he was an adult, while attending an evangelical meeting, that Yuanbo gave his life to Christ....
A global look at Christian persecution
All Roni wanted to do was worship with other Christians and learn more about her newfound faith in Jesus. But there was a problem. Roni lives in a country where Christians are the minority and they are often mistreated. In fact, we’ve changed her name to protect her....