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How Your Words Can Transform a Life

The art of letter writing is becoming increasingly scarce in an age of immediacy and hyper-connectedness. Birthday messages and holiday greetings can now be swiftly crossed off our to-do lists with only the click of a button. In the midst of this digital frenzy, it’s...

Three Responses to Sponsor Letters

For some of us, writing letters to our sponsored child, who we have never met, may seem like a daunting task . . . maybe it even feels uncomfortable or awkward. Sometimes it’s hard just to sit down and write a simple note when we don’t know what to expect or what kind...

Annet’s Story | The Impact of Sponsorship

Annet grew up with her parents and siblings in an impoverished village in Uganda. As peasant farmers, they only earned meager wages after long days of arduous work under the blazing, African sun. A strong and dedicated woman, Annet’s mother gave all she had each day,...

Write to Your Sponsored Child this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and is a holiday many people in the United States enjoy celebrating. Men, women, and children throughout the country exchange gifts, cards, and plan special events to spend time together. Growing up as a child, my parents...

Write to Your Sponsored Child This Easter

Easter is right around the corner and is a time that many of us look forward to celebrating together with friends and family. In the midst of your family traditions, would you consider writing to your sponsored child this Easter? If you’ve never considered this before...
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