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Your Giving in Review: Check Out What You Did in Just 30 Days!

Your Giving in Review: Check Out What You Did in Just 30 Days!

  The more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s a well-known phrase first coined by French journalist, critic, and novelist Alphonse Karr … and it perfectly describes the impact of the World Help family each month! The world is always changing. But as...
Worst case: ‘Another generation of children who are orphaned’

Worst case: ‘Another generation of children who are orphaned’

“COVID-19 poses an especially large risk for the vulnerable children whose mothers, fathers, or guardians already have weakened immune systems,” one of our partners in Africa said. “If it impacts our nation, there will likely be another generation of children who are...
Medical Clinic Brings Transformation in Bobi, Uganda

Medical Clinic Brings Transformation in Bobi, Uganda

Imagine your child is suffering. You watch them whimper and cry in pain … but there’s nothing you can do to help them. Medical assistance is miles away, and even if you could transport your child, you know there is no way you could afford for them to see a...
How cerebral palsy shaped a sponsorship story

How cerebral palsy shaped a sponsorship story

Every relationship between a child and his sponsor is special … but Myrna Duvall has a particularly unique bond with her sponsored kids that she knows was orchestrated by God. “We already sponsored kids in Ghana,” Myrna recalled. “So I thought, ‘I’m not going to...
Your 2017 impact in photos: Community development

Your 2017 impact in photos: Community development

“I don’t know where I would be without you.” Those are such encouraging words to hear, aren’t they? They tell you that you’ve truly made a difference. And it’s remarkable to think someone you’ve never met — on the other side of the globe — feels that way about you!...
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