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A Personal Statement On The Refugee Crisis

“The refugee humanitarian emergency is a global crisis of unprecedented size—impacting nearly 60 million people. In the history of the world, never have so many people been recorded as being displaced or on the move. In Syria alone, over 13 million children and...

National Refugee Sunday | A Challenge to the Church

Today is National Refugee Sunday—a day for the Body of Christ to remember refugees worldwide in prayer and action. The world has not seen such a massive refugee population since World War II. This is the greatest displacement of people ever recorded . . . and the...

Time to Make a Difference | Human Rights Day

Can you imagine losing everything? Without time to think, you must abandon all earthly items you hold dear—your home, possessions, mementos, and clothing. You must give up your job, daily routine, and hobbies. Even more devastating is the fact that you may never see...

God Has Not Forgotten Iraq. Can We?

The humanitarian situation here in Iraq is incomprehensible. I recently returned from a week-long trip to Iraq where I saw the physical and emotional carnage of ISIS for myself. Children wander aimlessly in the refugee camps, having no access to schooling. Families...

From the Field | Forging the Future of Iraq in the Classroom

I’m in the Baharka refugee camp outside of Erbil, where the hope of Iraq’s future is being forged in a simple, unassuming school. There are 4,000 students here—elementary through high school—who meet four different times during the day in order to accommodate their...
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