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Our Global Moment of Truth

The image of a little boy whose body washed up on a Turkish shore has the attention of the world. But while millions mourn the loss of little Aylan and as his heartbreaking pictures sweep across the internet, I am haunted by another image. It is the moment captured of...

Watch Now: World Help on America’s News HQ

In the past couple of weeks, World Help has had two incredible opportunities to share on Fox News our strategy to bring restoration to Middle Eastern refugees in the midst of one of the greatest humanitarian crises of our time. If you missed this past Sunday’s...

Missed Us On Fox News? Watch Now . . .

This past Sunday, World Help President Vernon Brewer had the opportunity to speak with Shannon Bream on Fox News Sunday regarding the plight of persecuted Christians and minority groups suffering at the hands of ISIS. Take a moment to view the conversation below....

ONLY 48 Hours to Reach Haditha, We Need Your Help

I’m turning to you for help during our brothers’ and sisters’ darkest hour. The people of Haditha, an Iraqi city located deep in ISIS-controlled territory, are in crisis. Their town is one of the last remaining strongholds against ISIS in the area, but has recently...

World Refugee Day 2015

Today is World Refugee Day, a day set aside to remember those forced to flee their homes due to civil, political, and religious unrest. In 2015, a record-breaking 60 million people are displaced worldwide—8 million more than in 2014—and half of them are women and...
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