5 ways to fit charitable giving into your 2020 budget
It’s the same old song every new year. We vow to eat healthier. We’re determined to exercise. Lose a few pounds. Many of us also made New Year’s resolutions to give more to charity … hoping our budgets will allow it. The truth is, charitable giving is a lot more...
Take the #GiveUpGiveMore challenge in 2020
With 2020 starting a new decade, this new year has me feeling especially contemplative and driven. If you’re feeling that way, too, you’ve probably set some goals for the year ahead. My resolutions are to eat less sugar, read more books from the library, and exercise...
A New Year’s resolution that helps save lives
Happy New Year from all of us here at World Help! As excited as I am for what 2020 will bring, I can’t help but take a moment to look back in gratitude at all the ways you helped impact lives around the world in 2019. Because of you … Starving children received the...