7 things you should know about the refugee crisis
The last time the world experienced a refugee crisis the size of the one happening today, it was the middle of World War II. Most of us weren’t even born yet, and those of us who were alive were probably kids. So, it’s understandable if you have questions about the...
A gift that multiplies 33x!
If you could save a person from dying, you’d help … wouldn’t you? Today, you can help save a life by sending emergency food, medicine, and supplies to someone who is struggling to survive. And your gift multiplies 33x! For $30, you can place $990 worth of these...
Hope came in a bag of cornmeal
The blistering sun beat down on Sylvia as she waited in line. She was hot, thirsty, and weak. But as she shifted her weight from foot to foot in the dusty camp, she saw hope for the first time in months. And it looked like a bag of cornmeal. Sylvia has experienced...