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How kids around the world are spending this summer

How kids around the world are spending this summer

For the first time in probably forever, kids all around the globe are out of school at the same time. Although June, July, and August are the typical out-of-school summer months for boys and girls here in the U.S., that’s not the case for many kids in different...

Genius is Made, Not Born

What builds a child’s self-confidence?  Some might say that experience builds confidence, while others might suggest words of affirmation. But most would probably guess that it’s a good mix of both. Surprisingly, recent studies have shown that children who are praised...

Gloria Thought She Would Never Have a First Day of School

It’s that time of year again—the time when stores fill up with rows of backpacks, roads fill up with yellow buses, and classrooms fill up with bright, smiling faces. There’s just something exciting about the start of a new school year. Sadly, many children around the...

From the Field | Forging the Future of Iraq in the Classroom

I’m in the Baharka refugee camp outside of Erbil, where the hope of Iraq’s future is being forged in a simple, unassuming school. There are 4,000 students here—elementary through high school—who meet four different times during the day in order to accommodate their...

clean water lifts community from tragedy

Before I knew what was happening, it was too late. Eighteen-year-old Flavia looks down at the ground, examining an army of ants marching by, forming her words carefully in attempt to steady her shaking voice. Like millions of young people around the world, Flavia has...
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