This past school year was probably the most unusual one that students and teachers had ever experienced! But thanks to the school supplies generous sponsors like you provided last year, boys and girls had everything they needed to keep up with their studies — whether...
It’s that time of year again — time for new notebooks, backpacks, and friends. It’s time to go back to school for many of the kids in our lives. During such a busy time, it’s easy to forget things. You might even have forgotten to fill out your back-to-school card for...
What builds a child’s self-confidence? Some might say that experience builds confidence, while others might suggest words of affirmation. But most would probably guess that it’s a good mix of both. Surprisingly, recent studies have shown that children who are praised...
It’s that time of year again—the time when stores fill up with rows of backpacks, roads fill up with yellow buses, and classrooms fill up with bright, smiling faces. There’s just something exciting about the start of a new school year. Sadly, many children around the...
Northern Uganda | The Lord’s Resistance Army’s reign of terror throughout rural Uganda triggered a wave of mass chaos. Thousands of Ugandans fled to escape the violence of the rebel army, causing a refugee crisis of disastrous proportions. Because either...
Every day, I try to live my life in such a way that I accomplish at least one thing that will outlive me and last for eternity.
Vernon Brewer President, World Help
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