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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

Before 2015 is Over, Do Something That Will Outlive You

We’re preparing for the start of a brand new year. But before we do, I want to ask for your help in finishing 2015 strong . . . lives literally depend on it. The Middle East is experiencing a crisis of Biblical proportions. And Christians are paying an especially dear...

Last Chance to Give in 2013!

There’s still time to make a difference for impoverished people all around the world in 2013. There’s still time to reach out to an orphaned child in Uganda to a struggling mother in Guatemala to a family of refugees in Syria to an unreached village in Nepal to a...

2013: A Year That Changed the World

As we turn the final pages of 2013, we can’t help but be amazed at all God has chosen to do this year through your support. In less than 365 days, you have empowered World Help to impact countless lives with help for today and hope for tomorrow. You positively...
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