We’ve received so many updates from our partners in India this week saying they’ve lost loved ones to this deadly second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Please take a moment to watch the urgent video update below from World Help president, Noel Brewer Yeatts, about...
Imagine you find out you have an advanced case of the coronavirus. You travel from hospital to hospital, looking for help … but every bed is full. Four days later, you breathe your last. That’s exactly what happened to one of our India partner’s dear friends, and it’s...
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” — Mr. Rogers The coronavirus has taken away a lot of things from us: our peace of mind, our ability to go out...
Five-year-old Manuela lives in Guatemala, a country where there have been less than a dozen confirmed cases of coronavirus so far. But just because the virus may not have yet reached Manuela’s remote mountain village, it doesn’t mean that she isn’t affected by the...
“ When are you going to open? I want out!” This desperate plea came from a girl living in Pattaya, Thailand, looking for a way out of the sex industry. She is waiting . . . literally waiting . . . for our new initiative to open its doors. It is her only hope....
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