How can they believe if they have not heard?
“Why do you like Vacation Bible School?” the teacher asked. “I learned a lot of new stories!” a girl answered. “I had fun coloring pictures,” said another child. Finally, the teacher walked over to Ajay, one of the younger boys in the room, and repeated the question....
4 ways kids can connect with a child in India
The world can seem like an enormous place to a young child. A country like India can feel distant, exotic, and difficult to imagine. But the truth is children in India are a lot like children in the United States! The difference is — most children in India have never...
Do you remember this song from VBS?
“My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty! There’s nothing my God cannot do!” When I sing those lyrics to my nephew, Emerson, he stops crying. He looks at me, and I can tell he’s listening. One day when he’s older, he’ll be able to sing along with me. Even though...