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VIDEO: Sending you love from around the world

VIDEO: Sending you love from around the world

In John 13:34, Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us. Over the past year, that’s exactly what the World Help family has done. You’ve shown God’s love by helping place Bibles in the hands of persecuted believers, rushing emergency aid to disaster...
Pascal’s mission: Putting love in action

Pascal’s mission: Putting love in action

Christ came to earth not just to tell us how much He loves us … but also to show us how much He cares through His selfless, radical action on the cross. This Valentine’s Day, one Ugandan man is on a mission to show that same love in a tangible way to people who need...
3 Fun Valentine’s Day activities for you and your kids

3 Fun Valentine’s Day activities for you and your kids

Heart-shaped candies. Boxes of chocolates. Red roses. These are probably some of the things that come to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day — the gifts we give to show love to our family and friends. But did you know you can also use this day to send love to...
Give your sponsored child a hug this Valentine’s Day

Give your sponsored child a hug this Valentine’s Day

Sometimes you just need a hug. Or to hear the words “I love you.” After such a difficult year when we’ve had to constantly keep our distance, your sponsored child wants nothing more than to hear those words, too. Many sponsored children around the world had to stop...
3 Fun Valentine’s Day activities for you and your kids

Sending thanks on Valentine’s Day

Sometimes it seems as if we’re constantly fighting the clock. From work to volunteering to making sure our kids get to practice on time, life is busier than ever, and many of us find ourselves scrambling from one thing to the next. That’s just the world we live in....
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