On our last day in Peru, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than in outreach to the citizens of Urubamba with special needs. Earlier in the trip, we spent some time working at our feeding center and Child Sponsorship program in this same location. The...
In Peru, no one talks about abuse. It’s so common for young girls and women—even boys—to be victimized that it’s no longer shocking . . . it simply becomes a part of life. That is one of the reasons we’re working in Peru . . . to bring awareness, healing, and...
Today, I’m on my way to Peru with an awesome team of World Help staff and supporters. This will be my second trip to Peru in a year as we continue our life-changing work on the ground through the exciting new partnership we established in 2012. Before my first visit...
Every day, I try to live my life in such a way that I accomplish at least one thing that will outlive me and last for eternity.
Vernon Brewer President, World Help
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