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Advocacy1 min read


Today is Freedom Friday!

Blog Team
May 19, 2017

Today, people all over the nation will give up their normal Friday night activities and give the money they would have spent to fight for freedom instead … and you can be a part of it!

Girls from impoverished families in India and Thailand are often unable to provide for themselves. Without schooling or marketable skills, they are left with only one option: the sex industry.

But today, you can change that narrative … you can give them another choice!

Today — Freedom Friday — is when a new story begins for these girls.

You can be part of making sure these girls have better options by taking the money you would have spent on a movie, dinner out, or other activity and instead donating it to help women escape the sex industry.

Your gift will help give one girl a safe place to live and receive an education so she can begin a new life outside of prostitution.

Because of you, one girl who now feels hopeless could soon have choices, hope, a bright future — and restored dignity. Take a One-Night Stand for Freedom today!


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