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[VIDEO] Urgent update on India from World Help president, Noel Brewer Yeatts

Blog Team
May 18, 2021

We’ve received so many updates from our partners in India this week saying they’ve lost loved ones to this deadly second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Please take a moment to watch the urgent video update below from World Help president, Noel Brewer Yeatts, about how you can help give people a fighting chance against this outbreak and meet other urgent needs around the globe.

Every $12 you give will help provide essentials like oxygen machines, emergency food, and more to one person in India or another place where the needs are greatest.

You’ll be meeting someone’s most urgent needs — possibly even helping save a life — and ultimately showing them the love of Christ!

Continue to keep India in your prayers today. And please give a gift if you’re able.

Your continued support is so critical.

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