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Advocacy2 min read


You’ll want to watch this today … of all days.

Blog Team
Feb 01, 2017

Today is National Freedom Day — when our nation comes together to promote goodwill, equality, and to celebrate the abolishment of slavery in America.

The fight for freedom has taken on many forms throughout history, but the heart of every battle on behalf of the oppressed is always the same: Restoring God-given value to humanity.

Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free …”

Today, there are individuals still living in bondage in many areas of the world. According to the International Labor Organization, there are an estimated 4.5 million people trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally.

Here are two places where this is prevalent:


Learn more about Thailand

These women and girls are some of the most vulnerable people on earth.

But today, you can come to their defense by breaking the silence that fuels this cycle of abuse.

You can restore value and dignity to these women and girls simply by sharing their stories.

As you celebrate your freedoms in America today, please don’t forget about those who still have no voice. On National Freedom Day, let’s further freedom by advocating for the needs of those who long for it.


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