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Child Sponsorship2 min read


4 ways to get your kids involved in sponsorship

April Stumme
Jun 19, 2018

“Mom, there’s nothing to do!” “Mom, I’m bored.” “Mom, will you take me to the mall?” “Mom, can we get a pool?” “Mom … mom … mom!”

And that’s why so many parents dread the summer months.

Finding activities to keep your kids entertained while school is out is no small task. But, this summer, try something different. Introduce them to child sponsorship and how they can get involved. It’s a great way to keep them busy and enrich their lives!

Here are four easy options to help you get started. Each of these provide opportunities to talk about what sponsorship is, how it works, and why your family cares about people who live far away:

1. Make a craft: You’re probably already planning to make crafts with your kids this summer — so why not make a craft for your sponsored child? Any craft that can fit inside a 6-by-9 envelope and won’t break or melt in the mail is a good option. If you can’t think of one, try this zebra puppet, this sunflower card, or this homemade fidget spinner!

2. Find fun ways to pray: Go for a prayer walk and ask your child to thank God for the things he sees along the way. Then, have him imagine things your sponsored child might see on a walk and pray for those things, too. Or try a hopscotch prayer! Write a different prayer request for your sponsored child in each box, and pray for him or her when you land on that request.

3. Get them involved in letter writing: This works for all ages! If your child doesn’t know how to write yet, you can have him or her dictate a letter to you. Otherwise, let your child try writing the letter. This is a great way for him or her to connect with your sponsored child on a personal level. If you need some ideas to get you started, click here. And if you’re looking for general letter guidelines, go here.

4. Study your sponsored child’s culture: It’s easy to feel disconnected from someone who lives far away. But you can help your kids see your sponsored child as a real person by studying his or her culture. If he or she is from India, try visiting an Indian restaurant or making an Indian recipe at home. Or, if the child you support is from a Spanish-speaking country, make a trip to a Spanish-speaking church or establishment nearby.

I hope these ideas will get your creative juices flowing about how your child can get involved in sponsorship this summer!

If you’re not currently a sponsor and want to learn more, check out this page. And if you already sponsor, thank you for blessing a child in need. You’re improving a child’s self-worth, providing a brighter future, and displaying a beautiful example of Jesus’ love.


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