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How a lemon tree is bringing hope to women in Zambia

How a lemon tree is bringing hope to women in Zambia

  Today is International Women’s Day. And with all the issues facing our world today, you might be wondering why should we single out the issues facing women? Why should we care? Well, for one thing we worship a Savior who went out of His way to associate with...
Bruce and Malika wanted to say ‘thank you’ from Zambia

Bruce and Malika wanted to say ‘thank you’ from Zambia

If you listen to much Christian radio, you may have heard a new song called “Jireh” by Elevation Worship and Maverick City. When I first heard this song, I wasn’t very familiar with what “Jehovah Jireh” meant. I looked it up and discovered it means “God will always...
On the ground in Uganda: A mom’s worst nightmare

On the ground in Uganda: A mom’s worst nightmare

During my trip to Africa, I’ve met many different people … each with a unique background and story. But they all have one thing in common. They are still struggling to survive this pandemic. Jamira, a single mom of three, is one of those people. You can watch and...
On the ground in Uganda: Families still in crisis

On the ground in Uganda: Families still in crisis

It’s been so good to be back on the ground in Africa … really to travel internationally anywhere and visit our partners after a year and a half of travel restrictions. It hasn’t been easy. We’ve had to jump through hoops and go through countless rounds of coronavirus...
Coronavirus around the world: Africa

Coronavirus around the world: Africa

Note: This is the first in a four-part series about how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting people around the globe. Check back regularly on our blog to read about the fallout of COVID-19 in Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East, as well. A global pandemic is no...
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