Walter lives in a small, isolated community in Peru. His village has a church, but they don’t have the funds or resources to distribute Bibles to everyone. As a result, many people in the village had never owned a copy of God’s Word, including Walter. On a...
In the face of opposition, some people run in the other direction — but not our Bibles for All Ambassadors. They’re committed to spreading the Gospel to the darkest places on earth. Just recently, they helped send copies of Scripture into Iran. According...
Have you heard about World Help’s Bibles for All Ambassadors? This special group of monthly donors provides copies of God’s Word to persecuted Christians living in places like North Korea and South Asia, people who can’t afford a Bible of their own, and...
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’” – Matthew 28:18-19 We all know the...
Are you familiar with our Bibles for All Ambassadors? They provide copies of God’s Word around the globe to people who can’t easily access the Bible — including countries like Iran. Open Doors ranks Iran as one of the most dangerous places in the world to...
Here’s a tough question: If you were starving and had to decide between taking a Bible or a bag of rice, which would you choose? I was confronted with this same question on my recent trip to South Korea. While I was there, we visited with our partner, who works...