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Water Can Restore the Rejected

Clean water can transform communities. At the most basic level, clean drinking water increases overall health, sanitation, and hygiene. Access to it also creates opportunities for pursuing education and employment, and promotes gender equality for women and girls who...

5 Tips for Starting Your Water Fundraiser

You’ve heard the statistics and stories. You know that clean water is foundational to life, yet millions live without it every day. So what are you going to do about it?  Here are some tips on getting your fundraiser started: 1. Choose Your Fundraiser First things...

Clean Water is Well Worth It

Nearly 1 million people die every year from waterborne diseases, such as typhoid, cholera, and diarrhea. The cause: Nearly one in ten people still lack access to safe drinking water. Think of all the violence and war in our world today. Thousands of innocent lives are...

Water Can, You Can, We Can . . . Transform

It’s World Water Month, when the international community bands together on behalf of the 663 million people still waiting for clean drinking water. You might know by now that clean water is a big deal at World Help. In fact it’s the starting point for many of our...

Provide Clean Water this Christmas

This Christmas, you can do something extraordinary. Give a gift that will allow your loved ones to be a part of something truly beautiful—something that will transform lives forever. Today, there are 663 million people living without access to clean water. And this...

Fighting Childhood Deaths With Water

In the developing world, a child’s most critical years are from 0-5. This is the age where children are most vulnerable to sickness and disease. In fact, the majority of deaths in children under 5 are a result of preventable diseases. Today, sub-Saharan Africa leads...
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