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Father of 18 Goes Back to Ukraine for the One

Father of 18 Goes Back to Ukraine for the One

  Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? – Luke 15:4 (NIV) Fathers are everyday superheroes. It’s impossible to overstate a father’s love...
Winter — The Silent Killer in Ukraine No One Is Talking About

Winter — The Silent Killer in Ukraine No One Is Talking About

  When you hear about the Ukrainian refugee crisis, you probably assume it began when the fighting broke out in February 2022 … but that’s not the case. Russia and Ukraine have actually been at war since 2014. It started with small battles along the...
[VIDEO]: Do Ukrainians Still Need Your Help? Ask Olga!

[VIDEO]: Do Ukrainians Still Need Your Help? Ask Olga!

This isn’t the first time Olga and her son fled from conflict. They used to live in a small Ukrainian town bordering Russia. And in 2014, they moved to Mariupol because of the fighting. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Olga thought that it would be...
[VIDEO]: Ina Moved from One Warring Nation to Another

[VIDEO]: Ina Moved from One Warring Nation to Another

As hard as Ina tries, she can’t seem to escape war. Originally from Russia, Ina and her son moved to the Holy Land 10 months ago … and 10 months was the only reprieve Ina got from living in a nation at war. Watch this video to learn about Ina’s life since Hamas...
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