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From the field | You’re invited! Learn how YOU can help refugees

From the field | You’re invited! Learn how YOU can help refugees

Over the past few days, I’ve witnessed unimaginable suffering in the Syrian refugee camps. But nowhere were the conditions as horrible as in the Za’atari refugee camp. The Za’atari camp is the largest refugee community in the entire area with nearly 80,000 Syrian...
From the field | Healing bodies, healing souls

From the field | Healing bodies, healing souls

Today, I met a Syrian refugee couple whose only source of income is rummaging through garbage for bread they can sell as livestock feed. This couple — I’ll call them Ashur and Sabeen to keep their identity safe — is considered one of the lucky ones. They escaped into...
From the Field | The one thing refugees are begging for

From the Field | The one thing refugees are begging for

The moment I landed in the Middle East and stepped out of the airport, I was immediately grateful I packed my winter coat. It was extremely cold outside, and the wind was biting. But as I arrived in the refugee camps, I noticed many of the men, women, and children...
From the Field in Thailand: Why I choose the darkness

From the Field in Thailand: Why I choose the darkness

I returned to Thailand this week hoping I would be prepared. I’ve witnessed the heartbreaking realities several times before, and I thought maybe this time I would be ready to stomach it. I was wrong. The gut-wrenching reality of the sex industry never gets any easier...
From the field | Thousands celebrate Christ Day in Iraq

From the field | Thousands celebrate Christ Day in Iraq

“Incredible.” I can’t think of a better word to describe the scene before me as I stood in front of thousands of our Iraqi brothers and sisters to share a message of hope. Dozens of people sat on the floor in the shape of a cross while hundreds more filled the aisles,...
From the field | Atrocities unfolding on the frontlines

From the field | Atrocities unfolding on the frontlines

I just returned from the bombed out streets of Hassan Sham, just outside of Mosul. Once a thriving home to more than 5,000 people, this village is little more than a ghost town now. Our jeep crept along the main road, swerving to avoid debris and the armored vehicles...
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