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The difficult decision one mother makes every day

The difficult decision one mother makes every day

  Picture this: It’s Monday morning. The kids are running late for school, and you’re running late for work. You hastily get them out of bed and dressed for the day. After a quick breakfast, you hustle them to the bathroom so they can finish getting ready. Except...
How a lemon tree is bringing hope to women in Zambia

How a lemon tree is bringing hope to women in Zambia

  Today is International Women’s Day. And with all the issues facing our world today, you might be wondering why should we single out the issues facing women? Why should we care? Well, for one thing we worship a Savior who went out of His way to associate with...
[VIDEO] Visiting Hurricane Ian victims in Cuba

[VIDEO] Visiting Hurricane Ian victims in Cuba

  Over the weekend, a Word Help team visited parts of western Cuba that were hit hard by Hurricane Ian. Millions lost power, and many families were left with their homes barely intact — including Pastor Reinier. “It was overwhelming thinking about all the money...
[Video] Meet Lakpi, an earthquake survivor in Nepal

[Video] Meet Lakpi, an earthquake survivor in Nepal

  Yesterday, I introduced you to Anila, who told me that the price of rice in her community in Nepal had doubled. After meeting Anila, I traveled to a different part of Kathmandu where I met Lakpi. Lakpi is a survivor. She lived through the massive earthquake...
[Video] Visit a train station-turned-refugee center with me

[Video] Visit a train station-turned-refugee center with me

With so many refugees fleeing Ukraine, neighboring countries like Hungary, Romania, and Poland have had to get creative. Seminaries and shopping malls have transformed into refugee centers, churches have been converted into clothing banks, and individuals have even...
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