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Thank you for helping people like Erina

Thank you for helping people like Erina

On my recent trip to Uganda, I met a mom named Erina. She had tried her best to provide for her family during the coronavirus pandemic, but neither she nor her husband could earn enough money to feed their children during lockdown. Thankfully, you and other members of...
On the ground in Zambia: Meeting Morris

On the ground in Zambia: Meeting Morris

After several days in Uganda, my trip to Africa took me next to Zambia. Although Zambia isn’t yet going back under complete lockdown like Uganda, the number of coronavirus cases is rising. And beyond the medical needs, families are still suffering the pandemic’s...
On the ground in Uganda: A mom’s worst nightmare

On the ground in Uganda: A mom’s worst nightmare

During my trip to Africa, I’ve met many different people … each with a unique background and story. But they all have one thing in common. They are still struggling to survive this pandemic. Jamira, a single mom of three, is one of those people. You can watch and...
On the ground in Uganda: Families still in crisis

On the ground in Uganda: Families still in crisis

It’s been so good to be back on the ground in Africa … really to travel internationally anywhere and visit our partners after a year and a half of travel restrictions. It hasn’t been easy. We’ve had to jump through hoops and go through countless rounds of coronavirus...
Brazil: #2 in highest coronavirus cases

Brazil: #2 in highest coronavirus cases

In Brazil, the coronavirus has spread quickly due to a lack of social distancing orders. More than 3.8 million cases have been reported. Hospitals are full. Cemeteries are overrun with bodies. And the death toll now stands at more than 120,000. The people of Brazil...
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