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On the ground in India: ‘Daughter for sale’

On the ground in India: ‘Daughter for sale’

Here in the United States, if you saw furniture sitting beside the road, you’d probably assume it was trash or free to anyone willing to come pick it up. In the Banchara community of India, though, furniture sits along the streets for a different reason. A bed beside...
On the ground in Cuba: Fanning the flames of revival

On the ground in Cuba: Fanning the flames of revival

One of my favorite parts of my job is being able to meet people all around the world. Yesterday, I told you that I recently met with a number of church planters in Cuba. Their ages ranged from young adults to senior citizens, but their mission was the same. They want...
This 12-year-old refugee has big plans

This 12-year-old refugee has big plans

While I enjoy the holidays, I don’t always love the cold winter months. Thankfully, my family and I have a closet full of warm coats, shoes, and blankets for when the temperature drops. I’ve spent the past few days with refugees near the Syrian border. These families...
Putting Matthew 25 into action on the Syrian border

Putting Matthew 25 into action on the Syrian border

Every time I travel to the refugee camps on the Syrian border, I think about the words of Jesus. I think about how, time and time again, He commanded us to love others and care for the least of these. Who are the least of these? They are anyone who needs our help....
I want you to meet Machir

I want you to meet Machir

I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced complete hopelessness in my life. When times are tough, I’ve always had family and friends I could turn to. When my kids were sick, I had medical insurance and wonderful doctors who were there to help. Even during those darkest days...
Ossie, a Dorian survivor, has a message for you

Ossie, a Dorian survivor, has a message for you

On my trip back from the Bahamas after helping deliver aid to victims of Hurricane Dorian, I shared a plane with an unexpected passenger. Her name was Bobby, and she was a dog. Bobby was on her way to be reunited with her owner, Oswald “Ossie” Hall, who had been...
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